jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010



The SWOT is a combination of words that describe the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

For example, on our strengths as a company put the quality of goods and services we provide. Unlike our competitors.

Weaknesses in the internal groups of workers that are associated to form unions.

Opportunities are all those provided by suppliers, low competition, cheap labor, low prices and so on.

And threats can include all direct competitors that compete to sell more than us.

Choosing Your Strategic Objectives

Choosing Your Strategic Objectives

The strategic objectives are those that the companies plan over long periods of time, not exceeding five years. There is a difference between strategic objectives and goals, because goals are more specific, while the objectives are focused on the exponential growth of the company.

Are four steps to follow to choose the goals, which are:

Our Improve Profitability
Our market share Grow
Enhance Operational Efficiency
Develop Our Workforce
How to Write a Values Statement

Then we will see a series of tips to take into account, about creating value for our company.
The creation of values is important because it gives our customers, ideas of what our principles with our employees, and also with our customers.

The values should not exceed 5 to 7 because being too could confuse most customers, but neither should be a word, they must have an explanation about why that value was chosen.

Another important point is that there have to be done as the mission and vision, should be more personal, because they represent the values of the entire enterprise through employees.

How to Write a Mission Statement

How to Write a Mission Statement

The first thing to make or establish a company's mission is to answer the question, why I exist as a company? What is my mission as the company and I wish I do, or want to be remembered. However, as the vision we can give examples about how to be a good mission.

There are three points that should be taken into account.

1) There must be short
2) It must be memorable
3) It must be inspirational

For example, Google's mission is proposing:

"Organize the world of information, and create universal access and useful."
This mission is clear, short and memorable, because it shows a simple way what is the purpose of Google as an organization.
Now as to create the mission:

There are three key tips:

1) People: they must likewise have the employees and the team manager.

2) Information: Get all possible about the company and everything that takes place in it. As advice, it is recommended to have a photocopier for the information collected

3) And finally the process: meetings, discussions, opinions, all of which may be provided by persons who form the management team.

How to Write a Vision Statement That inspires

How to Write a Vision Statement That inspires

the first part of the video is about how to write or draw up the vision of a company. What are the main points to be taken to define a vision?

The vision is primarily to describe where my business is going, where we want to reach a professional level. Before you begin writing, we must take several important points that appear on this Informed.

1) Futurecasting: these are verbs that use the future, that is, I'll be watching, I'll be doing, etc. I will be growing.

2) There must be clear and visible: that is, we see us in the future, but at the same time be realistic of where we go.

3) Be ambitious, we must not stop dreaming big, but still be realistic, achievable dream of things.

4) There must be descriptive, and is recommended in a single sentence, clear and simple

5) that our vision to have a period of time, and it is recommended to be no more than five years.

As a recommendation, not to be confused the mission with vision. Because many people do, with the idea is the same, however are very different definitions?

Finally, to form a good vision, must take the views of employees to form discussion groups about how they see the company, and where they go.

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Final Analysis

Final Analysis

In conclusion, based on the analysis of elements in administration, marketing strategies, and analysis of economic risk at all levels we can conclude,

that the strategies to increase, production, labor rate, competition and everything related to business is very useful at times where we are in crisis due to factors such as inflation, low sales, etcetera recession.
For example, strategic alliances are a good choice for growing the market at times when the production of our goods or services is low.
Benchmarking Or when we need to know to what level we are competing with our rivals.

is why we need these tools to achieve a good performance not only our company but the staff working there.



Strategic alliances are relationships between two or more companies which seek to gain the same end. That is, the union of several companies which are intended to share, mission, vision, discipline, courtesy, technology, goods and services products as long as each remains independent of the other without losing their style and goals.
For example, in an alliance partners seeking profits that they could not do alone, with the disadvantage that these should be divided based on the amount of money and resources provided, by proportionally way.

There are several types of alliance in which the main ones are:

• Development Strategy
• Partner Evaluation
• Contract Negotiation
• Operation of the Alliance
• The termination of the Alliance



Six Sigma is a process by which they are the problems and shortcomings of a company, measured by value scales. In other words, a defect not only is a bug in a product or service, a defect is a disagreement on a client who paid for our service or merchandise. These measurements are made in production processes, services and manufacturing of products.
Six Sigma is determined by the variability in a process and the goal of six sigma methodology is to reduce it so my process is always within the limits set by customer requirements.

Example provided by Wikipedia:

• 1 690 000 sigma = DPMO = 30.23% efficiency
• 2 = DPMO sigma = 308 000 69.12% Efficiency
• 3 sigma = 66,800 DPMO = 93.33% efficiency
• 4 = 6210 DPMO sigma = 99 994% efficiency
• 5 Sigma = 230 DPMO = 99.99994% efficiency
• 6 sigma = 3,4 DPMO = 99.9999966% efficiency



The outsourcing or subcontracting, are ways in which companies were hired to do work, make hiring other companies to perform independent work. This helps to expedite projects, goods or services that are being made. At the economic level is advisable because it could negotiate outsourcing the work to be done by increasing the proceeds to the contractor.
It also increases the quality of work, because specific tasks are performed by specialized companies working in those areas. For example, a company installing electrical equipment, your main job will be all electric sets of the place.

Some risks are:

• Contracts were made with companies from bad experience.

• It depends a lot on these companies to complete tasks

• You don’t have the control over all staff, because many people involved


Benchmarking, which can be defined as a strategy applied by enterprises to improve their competitiveness against its rivals with which it must competitive in the market.
Using methods such as comparison, objectives, vision, strategies, productivity, and particularly in relation to business growth, the main objective to improve competitiveness, measuring and comparing production processes.
Also to be studied, benchmarking can recognize the weaknesses in the production processes that allow us to improve in order to increase performance.

We can use three types of benchmarking:

And process
And performance.