viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

TEST No. 2 The Leadership Motivation Assessment


im going to put the table with the results and another table whit an explanation about my results
# Question Strongly
Disagree (1) 2 3 4 Strongly
Agree (5)
1 I am energized when people count on me for ideas.

2 As a practice, I ask people challenging questions when we are working on projects together.

3 I take delight in complimenting people that I work with when progress is made.

4 I find it easy to be the cheerleader for others, when times are good and when times are bad.

5 Team accomplishment is more important to me than my own personal accomplishments.

6 People often take my ideas and run with them.

7 When involved in group projects, building team cohesiveness is important to me.

8 When involved in group projects, coaching others is an activity that I gravitate toward.

9 I find pleasure in recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of others.

10 When involved in group projects, my team members’ problems are my problems.

11 Resolving interpersonal conflict is an activity that I enjoy.

12 When involved in group projects, I frequently find myself to be an “idea generator.”

13 When involved in group projects, I am inclined to let my ideas be known.

14 I find pleasure in being a convincing person.

Total = 57

Score Interpretation
Score Comment
14-27 This implies a low motivation to lead
28-55 This implies some uncertainty over your motivation to lead
56-70 This implies a strong motivation to lead.

If you have found that you're strongly motivated to lead, and you're already a leader – great! And if you're not already a leader, this is definitely an area you should investigate as you plan your career development.

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