jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

How to Write a Vision Statement That inspires

How to Write a Vision Statement That inspires

the first part of the video is about how to write or draw up the vision of a company. What are the main points to be taken to define a vision?

The vision is primarily to describe where my business is going, where we want to reach a professional level. Before you begin writing, we must take several important points that appear on this Informed.

1) Futurecasting: these are verbs that use the future, that is, I'll be watching, I'll be doing, etc. I will be growing.

2) There must be clear and visible: that is, we see us in the future, but at the same time be realistic of where we go.

3) Be ambitious, we must not stop dreaming big, but still be realistic, achievable dream of things.

4) There must be descriptive, and is recommended in a single sentence, clear and simple

5) that our vision to have a period of time, and it is recommended to be no more than five years.

As a recommendation, not to be confused the mission with vision. Because many people do, with the idea is the same, however are very different definitions?

Finally, to form a good vision, must take the views of employees to form discussion groups about how they see the company, and where they go.

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